
Booking API

Empower your booking platform with our robust Booking API. Seamlessly integrate real-time availability, rates, and reservation capabilities into your application.

Key Features

Real-time Availability

Access up-to-the-minute inventory and rates across all connected properties, ensuring accurate booking information for your customers.

Flexible Search Options

Implement advanced search functionality with filters for dates, room types, amenities, and more to provide a tailored booking experience.

Seamless Reservation Process

Enable smooth booking flows with support for real-time room reservation, modification, and cancellation.

Comprehensive Booking Management

Offer full control over reservations with capabilities to view, modify, and cancel bookings programmatically.

Advanced Features

Elevate your booking platform with these powerful capabilities:

Support for multiple rate plans and pricing models
Real-time rate and availability updates
Detailed room and property information retrieval
Flexible payment handling options
Multi-language support for global deployments
Robust error handling and booking confirmation system

Ready to Enhance Your Booking Platform?

Integrate our Booking API to offer your customers a seamless and feature-rich booking experience.

Lodging Base

Connecting the travel supply chain with innovative distribution technology.

1 Distribution Plaza

San Francisco

CA 94105